
How to Harness Facebook Video Ads to Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies that help small businesses to grow and maintain their client roster. It is a conversion-rich strategy to keep your customers up to date about your business and foster a better relationship with them. 

Email marketing also promises a lucrative return on investment — it is estimated that for every dollar spent towards email marketing, the average returns are around $42. It is also the third most popular content distribution channel, ranking right after social media and corporate websites. 

However, while getting started with an email list is indeed challenging, growing the email list is a bigger issue for many. Pinning your hopes on sign-up forms or organic traffic to your website alone may not be sufficient for building a solid email list

Moreover, if you are solely dependent on social media to get more people to discover your business, you are up against an unpredictable algorithm to determine the fate of your content and the number of people who view it. 

That’s why you need an effective strategy that increases your subscribers, and utilizing the power of Facebook video ads can help. 

Let’s take a closer look at Facebook video ads as one of the most effective methods to grow your email list and how you can create ads that are attention-grabbing.

Why do Facebook Video Ads Make it Easier to Acquire More Subscribers? 

Facebook video ads are paid ad placements where a video features on pre-arranged locations of a viewer’s Facebook page. They are an effective way to get more email addresses, thanks to laser-focused targeting, which helps you get noticed by the right audience

At least 71 percent of the audience rely on Facebook video ads as they are incredibly relevant to what they are looking for. If your business or brand is featured in the ad within the first three seconds, Facebook video ads can also boost brand recall by 23 percent.

Videos are a powerful tool for audience engagement as you can condense and convey a long message in a short period. Compared to static images, emotions trigger an emotional response from the viewers, causing them to act immediately. Moreover, video content is much more appealing for most audiences. 

With an average engagement rate of 6.13 percent, which is much higher than any other content format on the platforms, Facebook video ads are a great addition to your email marketing strategy to get more sign-ups. These ads also enable the users to sign up for your email list without exiting the video, making the process efficient and hassle-free. 

The retargeting options offered by Facebook also make Facebook video ads instrumental in growing your email list. You can reach out to your warm leads through retargeting those customers who showed an interest in your product but did not complete the call to action. By showing them your Facebook video ads, you can persuade more people to sign up to receive your emails.  

You can also outrank your competition by approaching the lookalike audience, which are potential customers who belong to a similar demographic as your existing customers. You can key in the information about the current demographics to locate the lookalike audience, target them with Facebook video ads, and bag more email sign-ups in the process. 

Take, for instance, the Facebook video ads by the wearable tech company, Unit 1.  They employed video ads featuring skiing to target the lookalike audience and received 4,700 leads in 14 days, and recorded a 2x return on ad spending. 

Hot Tips to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads to Boost Your Subscriber List

Not all video ads will give you the same results. Using the correct video marketing techniques can go a long way in building your email list. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

1. Decide on the Lead Magnet 

Lead magnets are a critical ingredient of every video marketing strategy. Lead magnets are when marketers offer an incentive to the target audience in return for their email address or any other contact information.

Lead magnets can be in various forms; a free eBook, a checklist, a whitepaper, or even a coupon. The video ad itself can be a lead magnet that promises something more once the viewer signs up to receive emails from you. 

For instance, you own a cooking studio that teaches gluten-free recipes. Your video ad can feature the recipe of one of your popular dishes and give an option for the audience to sign up to receive more recipes every week via email. 

The video ad can offer a free trial subscription of gluten-free baked goodies at the doorstep in exchange for email sign-ups. Offering something valuable can nudge the customer in the right direction, a.ka. to provide their email address. Once you have that, you can nurture the relationship to boost the conversions

2. Keep Your Video Ads Short 

Thanks to ever-shrinking attention spans, uploading extremely long video ads can be a huge gamble. In contrast, shorter ads can have a better impact and keep the audience engaged. That’s why you should always aim to keep the video ads under three minutes for the best results. You can also use Facebook ad makers that offer a range of pre-designed templates for creating instant Facebook video ads of appropriate duration. 

3. Don’t Worry Too Much About the Sound Effects

Visual elements are much more powerful than audio. Eighty-five percent of audiences watch videos without turning on the sound. Focus on adding more visuals and add appropriate subtitles, so your ads are inclusive. The bottom line is the ad should seamlessly convey your message and get the audience to take the desired action. 

4. Try Native Placements and Mobile-Friendly Formats 

No one will organically find your page and view the ads uploaded on it. That’s why placing the Facebook video ads right within the feed can boost your chances of getting noticed by your ideal audience. 

The majority of your audience also log on to Facebook via their mobile devices. Video editing techniques can help you to make the ads mobile-friendly and choose the correct format. 

You don’t have to allocate a separate budget for editing Facebook video ads. You can use the free online video editor to create stunning ads that your customers will fall in love with. 

5. Link the Video Ad to Your Landing Page 

You can also link the video ad to an appropriate landing page and add a CTA to provide their email addresses. The landing page should highlight the offer or the lead magnet to compel the audience to sign up. You can also think of designing landing pages for segmented email lists for lead-nurture campaigns.

Key Takeaways 

Email marketing is here to stay! Crafting the right video marketing strategy with a special focus on Facebook video ads can make it incredibly easy to bag more sign-ups for your email list. 

Don’t leave the performance of video ads to fate — follow the best practices for creating powerful video ads for bringing in new subscribers to your email list. With the correct video editing techniques, you can get a step closer to striking gold.

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Stewart Barrett is an agile, results-oriented, data-driven digital strategist with over 15 years experience designing, building, and marketing web and mobile platforms. At Clipchamp video editor, he aids the mission to help everyone easily create awesome video content.



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