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You know how it goes — the bigger your subscriber list, the better your email marketing campaign will turn out to be.
On the flip side, with a less than stellar email list, your email marketing campaign is never going to skyrocket, regardless of how great your content is.
There’s a lot riding on building an extensive and high-quality list, and that begs the question: where do you even begin?
Every marketer knows that they need to work on growing their contact list, but not everyone knows how to do it as efficiently as possible. It can be quite a daunting task, too, especially when your goal is to organically grow your list to tens of thousands — or even hundreds of thousands — of subscribers.
Enter email marketing automation, every marketer’s best friend when it comes to tackling this oh-so-important task. With the word “automation” attached, it’s a given that things are about to get interesting, not to say easier than ever, and we’ve got some tips on how to make it happen.
If you had to guess, what’s more effective: sending an email to someone who’s never heard of you before or agreed to be contacted, or sending an email to someone who purposefully signed up for information?
The jury is well decided on the fact that people aren’t big fans of cold, disruptive outreach campaigns. On top of that, building your subscriber list in any way that isn’t organic is a great way to ensure your emails end up in the spam folder. (It also violates the General Data Protection Regulation.)
A successful inbound marketing funnel attracts leads, engages customers, and helps establish brand longevity. If your subscriber list is lacking in quantity or quality of contacts, you’re not going to be achieving any of this — and you may even be working away from your goals instead of toward them.
Your business can’t grow unless your contact list grows. For that reason, it’s crucial that you dedicate efforts toward making growth happen and that you do so in ways that are honest and sustainable.
Sound like a tall order? It is, and that’s why email marketing automation is one tool you definitely don’t want to skip out on.
Here are some Benchmark Email features that will help you grow your email list.
Use Benchmark Email to create simple website forms that pop up on high-traffic pages of your site or that are embedded in specific areas to get more subscribers.
A sign-up form is one of the most basic (and most impactful) ways of getting your website visitors to sign up for your emails. Benchmark Email can help you design and share them, and once a new contact has given their information and opted-in to hearing from you, it will automatically add that info to your list. It doesn’t get any more streamlined than that.
Create landing pages that are branded, visually appealing, and optimized to gain attention from site visitors. Link to these landing pages in online ads or share them out via social media to get them in front of a new, targeted audience, and make sure they include a special offer people will want to get their hands on. Gate that offer with a form and presto! You have yourself new leads that are interested in learning more about your brand.
While these features offer more opportunities to generate leads and increase your subscriber list, it’s also important that you use them in effective ways. Here are some ways you should be leveraging these Benchmark Email features for optimal success.
Add Benchmark Email sign-up forms to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media pages so that your fans and followers have a way to subscribe to your emails easily. You can also use the Benchmark platform to create surveys and polls that increase social engagement and bring more visitors to your page.
Encourage existing subscribers to share your content with friends and family by using Benchmark Email to add a forward-to-a-friend link in your campaigns. This link will go to a landing page with a sign-up form where these potential new contacts can enter their information and opt-in to your list.
Bonus: you can also track these links to see who they were sent to and whether they opened them up or not.
Add your email to the Benchmark Email Community and get in front of a huge pool of potential new contacts. In addition to offering up increased visibility, it’s also a great place to showcase your emails and see what others in the industry are doing.
Benchmark Email grows your email list and channels your email marketing process in the right direction. Unlike manual email marketing management, the automated email marketing process creates email workflows that are triggered on the back end without the need for any input on your part. There’s a lot of benefits to that — including ongoing support and growth of your subscriber list.
At a glance, here are a few subscriber-focused workflows you can get up and running with ease:
And that’s not all.
Benchmark Email tools are designed to make your life and the way you build your subscriber list easier.
Sign up for a free Benchmark Email account today and take that first important step toward reliable subscriber list growth. You’ll have access to all of these tools and more — plus a dedicated partner in ensuring your subscriber list continues to soar.
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