
How To Get The Most Out Of Content Syndication

Content syndication is like a deep-dish pizza: you really want to get your hands on a piece of that pie, but there’s a lot more than meets the eye.

Content syndication is a great way to get your content (typically an information blog post) in front of as many eyes as possible. The more places you can syndicate your content to, the more chances for people to see what you wrote. But that’s only half the story.

Content syndication is also a great way to get some really diverse backlinks to your site, as well as the internal links within the syndicated content. Check out our previous post on Content Syndication here.

So let’s start talking about how you can maximize your efforts to boost your SEO through Content Syndication.

Why Should You Syndicate Your Content?

So we briefly mentioned the 2 main benefits of using content syndication above. Now we can talk about how those benefits actually come to fruition and how they can really play a part in your overall SEO efforts.

More eyes on your content

Let’s say you write up a great blog post (or maybe you had our Blogger service write it for you!). It’s getting some clicks on your site and maybe even driving a few conversions and boosting your authority a tad. But you want some extra juice and eyeballs on the content.

If you syndicate that article, it can get published to all different media outlets and news sites. The visitors of those sites can find your blog post and ideally click on any of the links that’ll point back to your site.

Build A Base Layer Of Backlinks

Backlinks should still be a huge player in your SEO campaigns. After all this time, backlinks play a big factor in getting you onto page 1, and we don’t see that going away any time soon.

But you don’t want just 1 kind of backlink pointing back to your blog post; a healthy mix of diverse backlinks is proven to be the most efficient way to boost your backlink profile.

The Do’s and Don’t’s Of Content Syndication

Here, we’re going to break down some of the more important things you should do, and some of the commonly seen things you’ll want to avoid.

Which Type Of Content To Syndicate

There are different kinds of posts that might be featured on your blog. Some of them would make great syndicated content, and others might not be as appealing to your syndication partners.

Good content to syndicate features genuinely informational content, and you definitely want to make sure it includes some internal links. This will increase the chances of someone staying on the syndicated post to actually read your content, as well as click on a link to take them to your website.

Bad content to syndicate is more promotional rather than informational. If the content is overtly trying to sell the reader on something, rather than inform them, you won’t want to syndicate that. Sales and product pages would also fall under this umbrella. And pages with thin or sparse content won’t be very good as syndicated posts either.

Follow Syndication Guidelines

If you want your content to get published and stay published, you want to make sure to follow whatever rules or guidelines publishers have laid out.

Whether that’s not posting certain niches or topics, the number of links you can include, or how long the posts can be, it’s best to just follow along as long as it’s not compromising the quality of your content.

(Alternatively, if you don’t want to manually reach out to syndication partners yourself, you can use our service here).

Content Repurposing

Some publishers might not want to syndicate your content, and instead ask to repurpose your content. Content repurposing basically means you’d be providing the publisher with an entirely new blog post.

Not only is this going to involve you writing an additional blog post you likely won’t be able to use on your site, but you also won’t be able to use the rel=canonical tag commonly associated with syndicated content.

Links Within The Content

You want a healthy balance of keywords and internal links that’s proportionate to the length of the content.

A good rule of thumb for this is 500-word posts get 2 internal links, 1000-word posts get 2-3 internal links, 1500-word posts get 3 internal links, and 2000-word Posts get 4 internal links.

We’ve found these ratios to be the most effective at capitalizing on the length of the content without crossing over into “keyword-stuffing” territory.

When To Syndicate

There’s basically no wrong time to try syndicating your content. Manually reaching out to new publishers and site owners could take a little while depending on your relationship with them. So the sooner you start that outreach, the sooner you can get your content syndicated.

It can also be helpful to wait until your original content has been indexed. While this is not mandatory, it can speed up the process for the syndicated posts as well. (Of course, you can always manually submit your blog to Google to index to speed that process up too.)


There are a lot of ways you can go about syndicating your blog content – some methods better than others. It’s up to you to figure out which method works best for your website in tandem with your other SEO efforts.

Want to kick your SEO into high gear? Then check out our Content Syndication package and let us do the heavy lifting.

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