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As an e-commerce retailer you may often be curious about checking out whether your SEO and SEM campaigns are working. You may want to find out about that by Googling yourself. However, this may prove to be harmful for your organic ranking as well as for your paid advertising. Apart from this, what you see may not be an exact version of how often your Google display ads are showing. Hence, it is important to know the reasons why you shouldn’t be Googling your own business
The best way to curb your advertising costs and boost your returns is to focus on the ad quality and the relevance of the ad. Remember that for every search that displays your ads but doesn’t result in a click, your CTR% will be go down considerably. This affects negatively because Google thinks how irrelevant your ad is
One of the other reasons why you shouldn’t Google your business, for product or service keywords is that you will not get a proper display of the ad as per your requirement. Also, you should not try to make changes based upon what your search results look like. Here are some reasons why you won’t be able to see your ads when you Google your business/products/services
Ultimately, your ads are to drive conversion and increase sales. Sometimes, you may not see your ads when you Google because that does not drive conversion. In case you want to check what your ad looks like use the Ad Preview tool in the Google Ads settings
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