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The Persian Poet, Rumi, had a lot to say about being grateful:
“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.”
“Thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives.”
And one of my favorites…
“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.“
The gist is, looking around and giving thanks for what you value is a practice that can make us happier.
With that, we are continuing into our 3rd year of this tradition — our team members taking a moment to reflect and share some of the things they were thankful for this year.
We’ve identified 3 gratitude themes from our team’s answers to “What Are You Thankful For This Year?”:
When we collectively experience tough times, people tend to band together to support each other.
“COVID times bringing my family and friend group even closer”– Molly Q. | Manager, Paid Media
“My family and friends that have made these different times, truthfully, not that bad. Dare I say they have been great. I would be lost without my people:) ”
– Renee C. | Lead, Paid Media
“I am thankful for Seer. Seer continues to amaze me on how giving and thoughtful an organization can be to its team and community year after year. I am also thankful for my family and friends <3 “
– Alex L. | Associate Director, SEO
“Oh my goodness so much. Just being alive for another year, a lot of people lost people this year and every year I am alive is a year I can try to put more good in the world.
I got to see my mom and dad a LOT more over the past year which means my kids got to see them a lot more.
I’m thankful for an insanely supportive spouse.
Thankful for all the people who did little kind things for me this year, thank you cards, beer shipments, check-ins like “hey how you doin’”
Thankful for the parent’s google chat with other Seer parents”
– Wil R. | Seer Interactive Founder & VP, Innovation
Reach out to those you’re thankful for. Tell them. Today. You’ll be happy you did. And so will they.
Over the past two years of rapid change, being thankful for the health you have and the health those around you have has been top of mind for our team.
“I’m truly thankful that my loved ones are all healthy this year, during an ongoing pandemic.“
– Leena C. | Sr. Associate, SEO
“My partner, our pups, our home, and the heath of ourselves and our families!“
– Jamie F. | Associate, Project Management
“So, so grateful for my health and my family!
The last two years have been stressful and scary, and I am so lucky to have my loved ones close and safe.”
– Emma W. | Associate Director, Paid Media
“My health, my family/friends, and the flexibility/options my life offers me.”
– Cori S. | Associate Director, SEO
Taking care of your health means taking care of your physical and mental health. Make a list of what you do for each of those categories to ensure balance.
Turning the thought of new beginnings into action is not an easy step. Our team stepped up to this challenge in 2021.
“This year, I’m thankful for a new job at Seer!
I joined the team in May and words cannot capture the amount of gratitude I have for this opportunity.
Many times within my six months here, I’ve left meetings and conversations in complete awe of the Seer team. The leadership, transparency, support, generosity and motivation (I could go on…) of everyone at Seer is one of the most encouraging and rewarding parts about my job.
It is a big blessing to be here and has changed my life for the better!”
– Kelly W. | Manager, Data Strategy
“I am thankful for new beginnings here at Seer.“
– Annie E. | Lead, People Operations
“My new job at Seer!
I’ve been slowly connecting with Seer since the beginning of 2021 and was ECSTATIC when I was given the chance to join the team.”
– Sandi G. | Sr. Associate, SEO
“This new opportunity at Seer!!!“
– Elise P. | Associate, People Operations
New beginnings don’t have to be big lifts. Everyday is a new beginning for you to be better than yesterday. Seize it!
The combination of multiple gratitudes in life is a powerful place to live.
“Working at an amazing company that allows me to grow and do awesome shit.
A partner who is supportive and is truly my best friend. Pups that provide comfort and love unconditionally.
Friends and family that have traveled across the country to visit us in our new location.
Health… the list goes on.
I’m incredibly grateful for what I have.“
– Ethan L. | Associate Director, Data Engineering
“I am thankful for SO much.
Health insurance
A new job
Friends and family who got me through this pandemic (and still are)
And so much more”
– Allison W. | Associate, Project Management
No matter what it is, we all have something to be thankful for this year. Take a moment to reflect and find the highlights of this year.
Gratitude isn’t just for November. Have a look at Seer’s gratitude through the years and all year long:
Does this sound like a team you can spend your day to day with? We are hiring from associate to leadership roles, don’t wait to apply.
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