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It’s hard to believe that Bing has been around for over 10 years now. As an alternative to Google and the default search engine for Microsoft products, Bing enjoys a respectable 36% US desktop search market and has a growing international search audience in the UK, France, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Spain, and more.
Google sees 6.9 billion searches per day compared to Bing’s nearly 900 million searches per day. While the search engine giant surpasses Bing’s daily search volume by an enormous number, Bing has loyal uses even though Microsoft spends very little budget on marketing its search engine.
An advantage for Bing is that it is integrated with other Microsoft products. While many searchers use both Google and Bing to do research with, Bing searches come from more than just Bing searches occur via devices using Windows 10. The next time you search using Windows 10, even though a Windows logo appears, you’re searching via Bing.
Bing also offers rewards for using Microsoft products. You can earn points and turn it into gift cards, sweepstake entries including $500 to Target, and give to non-profit organizations just for signing into your Microsoft account and using it for search purposes.
While there are differences, Bing and Google are pretty similar. Bing offers “snapshots” which are short snippets of information while you’re searching that appear without having to fully search or click your query. Google offers a similar feature with “now on tap.”
Another similarity between the two search engines is what Bing refers to as Deep Links. Deep Links are the popular pages from your site that appear beneath a top ranked SERP. Google refers to these as Sitelinks. Within Bing Webmaster Tools, you can manage your Deep Links in the following ways:
Bing also offers Bing Maps, paid advertising options, and more that are similar to Google.
While Bing struggles to keep up with Google’s search market share, Bing image search is known for functionality and high-quality results. As image size becomes increasingly important for mobile optimization, Bing has adjusted their image search to immediately provide users with image sizes at first glance.
While both search engines offer similar image search experiences, but Bing’s plethora of filtering options (image size, aspect ratio, color, photo or illustration, type, facial features, date and license), pleasing user interface and reverse-image search functionality makes the perennial 2nd place finisher a strong candidate for your image-based searches. Google offers a simpler image search experience than Bing with many of the same features, compared to Bing’s more Pinterest-like layout.
Other Bing image search features include the following:
Bing Webmaster Tools is similar to Google Search Console and helps you keep track of your site’s performance, indexation, sitemaps and more. You can combine the use of BWT and BrightEdge and other analytics tools to understand the overall health of your website.
The Reports & Data section of BWT can help you find your site’s activity including data for clicks, impressions, total indexed pages, and crawled pages. Submit sitemaps, check for crawl errors, and analyze the mobile friendliness of your pages using BWT. You can also find a deep dive of details on page traffic, top searched keywords in terms of impressions and clicks, and SEO reports which include info into where your site needs SEO work.
Other reports you can collect data from in BWT including the following:
Bing, as a search engine, continues to become more popular amongst searchers each year. While Google is still the front-runner in preferred search engines, there’s no telling if Bing could surpass the search engine giant one day. With a clean look, several advantages over Google, and a growing international market, Bing is bigger than we think. As digital marketers continue to implement new content strategies and work to better SERP rankings, it’s important to keep Bing in mind. Google may be the front runner of search engines but grow your organic traffic by optimizing for Bing as well.
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