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Trying to bring in more organic traffic? The solution isn’t churning out as much content as you can. Search engines today penalize websites that push out low-quality content for the sake of publishing often.
Your target audience won’t benefit from low-quality content, either. If that’s what you end up producing, your brand’s reputation can take a serious hit, and people will seek out higher-quality alternatives.
The truth is, you don’t need to be constantly publishing to boost brand awareness through content. Instead of focusing on content quantity, try strategically sharing relevant content. Content curation can help you build a following and stand out as a trusted brand among competitors.
Content curation is a method of selecting pieces of content that are relevant to your brand and sharing them through different channels. The goal is to add new value to existing content—whether internal or external—by sharing it in meaningful ways.
If you’re a content marketing agency, for example, you might create an email newsletter that consolidates the best content trending about SEO. While this process doesn’t require you to create any original content, you’re adding value by providing all the best online content about SEO in one place for your readers to access.
Content curation doesn’t just help the creators of whatever you’re sharing. It also helps boost your own company’s credibility and following, among other benefits.
Sharing content can help your brand get recognized as a thought leader within your industry. The more unique, insightful content you share on a consistent basis, the better the chance customers and other brands will take notice. You can help your brand become known as an expert if you’re adding continual value over time.
When you share content, ask yourself: Is this something my audience would be interested in? If the content is already widely shared, keep looking. Even if the content is great, your audience won’t care about it if they’ve seen it all over the Internet.
Finding unique perspectives from trusted thought leaders and industry influencers is an excellent starting point. Put on your investigative hat and start digging. Scour social media (you can do this quickly using our tips below) for surprising opinions or interesting infographics you can share with your audience. This counterintuitive content will likely hold your audience’s attention.
Content curation isn’t just about sharing good content—it’s about interacting with your community.
If you send out a tweet that’s seeing a lot of comments, don’t be afraid to get involved. Look for insightful comments on the social network and respond to them. A particularly high-quality response may even warrant a retweet. All the little things you do to interact with commenters on blogs and social sites will show you’re genuinely ingrained in your network.
All the little things you do to interact with commenters on blogs and social sites will show you’re genuinely ingrained in your network. Click To Tweet
You can also interact with the creators of the content you share. Properly attribute and tag them in your social posts about their content. And, of course, be sure to highlight why you think their content is valuable.
The creator may very well engage with a like, a comment, or a retweet. Who knows? They might even be interested in a collaboration with you down the line. The ability to build relationships like this is a fantastic byproduct of content curation.
Curating content keeps your finger on the pulse of what’s trending in your industry. That information can help streamline your own content creation efforts in the future. Knowing what your audience is interested in and engaging with online, you’ll have plenty of ideas about what content you should create next.
Sharing a variety of sources also gives you a well-balanced perspective on your industry. Instead of deferring to Google for everything, your palette becomes a little more refined. You know what news sites are reliable, what RSS feeds have the most interesting content, and so on.
Content curation requires a careful eye for detail. Here are three essential steps you need to take to do it right.
Make sure the content you share offers a fresh perspective. You don’t want content that looks generic.
Following industry thought leaders is always a good practice when looking for content to share. Keep in mind that content sources should be reliable. If a site has a track record of putting out edgy content just to rattle people, you might be wise to avoid them. Stick with trusted names and verified accounts.
One way to find unique content is to use Alexa’s Content Exploration tool. Here’s a quick step-by-step process you can take:
Now, if we navigate back to the articles tab, we’ll see articles that contain specific mention of natural light. In the list below, the last article about the unique Dallas home may be good to look into further considering its low number of shares.
Curating content isn’t about merely sharing existing content. Try to add a fresh take on what you’re sharing.
You might offer an opinion on the content you’re sharing. If you want to build more brand awareness, make it more memorable by leveraging your brand’s voice. If there’s a blog with a topic you disagree with, say it. Briefly explain why you disagree with it (while staying respectful, of course).
Consider creating a social media infographic from data included in an article you’ve shared. People don’t want to sift through rows of numbers, but they want the information. You can use a tool like Canva to simplify data and create a colorful infographic. Your audience will likely find it easy to consume and engage with your post as a result.
Roundup posts are a great way to get eyes on your blog. Think about compiling a list of the best thought leadership pieces of the year, for example. You’re essentially doing all the heavy lifting for your audience. They don’t have to seek any content when you’ve provided it to them in one place to bookmark.
Content curation isn’t the same on every channel. Your approach to sharing should vary based on the channel you’re using. For example, a newsletter will give you more room to add insights than a tweet. Here are some benefits of these different content sharing channels:
The content sharing channel you choose is ultimately up to you. That said, you should focus on those you’ve already had success with or ones you understand how to navigate effectively.
Great curated content can be tough to come by. A lot of companies simply share social media posts from random bloggers without any thought. The best content curators approach their curation efforts the same way they would when creating original content.
Alexa’s Content Exploration tool helps your marketing team uncover new content that audiences are engaging with. Compare engagement per article of any topic, and identify the characteristics of top content to find out what makes it stand out. With these insights, you’ll be able to share useful, engaging content with your audience ahead of your competitors.
Get access to our Content Exploration tool free with a 14-day trial today!
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