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The practice of meditation has been around longer than most organized religions.
In fact, the first examples of humans sitting in meditative poses date back to 5,000 BCE.
But it’s only in the last 200 years that meditation has become popular in Western countries.
Right now around 500 million people practice meditation – in one form or another – on a regular basis.
This is why the meditation niche in the US alone will be worth at least US$2 billion within the next 24 months.
And with 11% growth expected for the foreseeable future.
Basically, people are desperate for ways to unwind from the insane pace of our society.
So tapping into a need like that can be very profitable.
It’s how you can enjoy a monthly almost-passive income from affiliate marketing like this:
Or this:
Meditation is one of those niches that isn’t going away any time soon.
It’s just a matter of positioning yourself in the market now and having the right set of meditation affiliate programs to promote via text links and banners.
There’s lots to choose from, but we’ve separated the wheat from the chaff.
Let’s look at what we found.
Meditation isn’t an event so much as it is a lifestyle.
Which is why your visitors might enjoy what Shambhala Publications has to offer them.
This family-owned business has served fans of the esoteric and spiritual lifestyles since 1969.
But they don’t just stock any old books on meditation – each one is carefully curated and vetted to ensure readers only get high-quality reading material.
In terms of products to help you meditate, they sell a full range of books, as well as a number of online courses.
Just an FYI – their meditation courses (and many of their books) focus on Buddhist meditation techniques.
This won’t come as any real surprise if you know what Shambhala means.
So if your visitors are looking to get their Buddha groove on, point them in the direction of Shambhala Publications.
And everyone benefits when you promote this affiliate program.
Your readers get what they need and you get a 10% commission for every sale referred through your affiliate links.
Now, 10% of a book costing $15 isn’t going to set your world on fire.
But many of their courses cost at least $200.
So a handful of books and a single online course could easily net you $30 in affiliate marketing commissions.
URL: Shambhala Publications affiliate program
Commission: 10% per sale
Cookie duration: 30 days
Various depictions of “the future” typically show people wearing some kind of goggles or headset.
Google even tried this out with its ill-fated Google Glass product.
MindPlace though has been in the business of making and selling light and sound meditation devices since 1988.
Or what they refer to as ‘Mind Machines’.
One of the most difficult aspects of entering a meditative state is getting your conscious brain to play along.
You can meditate while conscious of distractions but it’s usually better not to.
These devices use a sequence of microprocessor-controlled sound and light pulses to allegedly help you achieve a meditative state faster.
And then stay in it for as long as you need to using their meditation training systems.
You can take a journey to inner space and inner peace naturally and safely…and without ever having to go on a Joe Rogan DMT trip.
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to this affiliate program.
The bad news is for the consumer because their cheapest system costs $259.
The good news for you is that you can earn up to 30% on all affiliate sales you refer through text links or banners.
So their top-end ‘Kasina DeepVision’ system would earn you at least $80 in affiliate marketing commission.
URL: MindPlace affiliate program
Commission: Up to 30%
EPC: $61.67
Cookie duration: 120 days
Teal Swan is a self-proclaimed spiritual guru, hailing from Utah in the United States.
Then again, she also claims to be an alien from the star Arcturus which is interesting.
Mainly because living on the surface of a super-massive red dwarf would be very….uncomfortable.
But her goal is to help individuals deal with the negative or destructive emotions in their life, the same ones she overcame after years of childhood abuse.
So let’s assume that she has the noblest of intentions.
Her online store contains a wide range of guided meditations that you can purchase individually or as a bundle.
Your visitors will also find a full range of other meditation accessories there, including mats, sweatshirts, comforters, pillows, etc.
But if your visitors need something a little more personal, then they can refer to her online courses on achieving self-love, and similar topics.
And now we come to the bit you’ve all been waiting for – how much you can earn in affiliate marketing monies.
As we stated above, her courses cost $149 each.
But the program has a performance bonus.
So, if you sell up to 9 courses via text links or banners you receive 20% commission.
Experienced affiliates who can sell more than 10 courses each month will get a 30% commission rate.
And pro affiliates who can move more than 25 courses per month will receive a whopping 40% commission on each sale.
So 25 courses @ $149 x 40% = $1,490 in affiliate marketing commission.
URL: Teal Swan affiliate program
Commission: Up to 40%
Cookie duration: 45 days
If you’ve never meditated before it’s easy enough to misunderstand what’s going on.
It might look like somebody is just sitting very still with their eyes shut.
But it’s actually more involved than that – especially when it comes to your breathing.
Because focused breathing is one of the best ways to make your meditation sessions more effective.
So along comes ‘Hack the Flow State’ to teach your visitors breathing techniques to help them deal with everything from weight gain to relaxation and improving athletic performance.
It’s about being “in the zone.”
When you’re focused but calm and anything seems possible.
A 747 could land on your lawn and you wouldn’t notice because your mind is fully engaged with something else.
Breathing techniques are taught as part of most forms of meditation, but maybe your visitors want to try alternative methods?
If so they might just enjoy this digital product.
So how does this program compare to the other meditation affiliate programs in our roundup?
For starters, we typically don’t feature ClickBank products with a ‘Gravity’ score of less than 20, but we made an exception here.
Firstly because effectively monetizing your affiliate website means being able to test multiple affiliate offers with the same audience, including digital products.
And secondly, in terms of money-making potential, you get paid $19.37 per sale.
But there’s also the opportunity to earn recurring affiliate commissions here.
There doesn’t appear to be any signup bonus, however.
URL: Hack the Flow state affiliate program
Commission: $19.37
Gravity: 17.05
Cookie duration: 60 days
Okay, so Yankee Candles might smell great…but what have they got to do with meditation?
Well, that all depends on your approach to meditation.
The first time I was taught meditation it involved using a candle and focusing my attention on the flame instead of just keeping my eyes closed.
It worked remarkably well.
So the reality is that some meditation practitioners choose to use candles as an active part of their meditation practice, while others simply like to have scented candles around them while they meditate.
In fact, scents like jasmine and ylang-ylang apparently have direct benefits for helping you achieve and stay in a “flow” state.
The same demographic who will gravitate towards meditation also simply enjoy having candles dotted around their home.
And now for the not-so-good side of this affiliate program – the crappy 1% commission rate on sales.
The words “high commissions” and “candles” usually aren’t found in the same sentence when discussing affiliate programs.
With that said, their ‘Network Earnings’ score indicates their affiliate landing pages do a pretty good job of converting traffic, as does their EPC.
Your visitors are going to buy candles somewhere, so they might as well buy this element of their meditation supplies through your website.
But I did find another candle program for you to promote on another affiliate network – more on that later.
URL: Yankee Candle affiliate program
Commission: 1%
EPC: $21.30
Cookie duration: 10 days
Better Listen was first set up in 2013, so they’re a relative newcomer to the industry.
But they’ve carved out a very specific niche for themselves –audio and video courses on everything spiritual.
They’re also an independent publisher, so they can choose who they work with and give certain authors a voice and an audience they might not have elsewhere.
Their product library covers everything from monotheistic religious beliefs to science and gender studies.
But their meditation category is made up of over 200 different products, covering methods and practices from Buddhist to Kabbalist systems.
Basically, whatever type of meditation needs your visitors might have they’ll find a spoken-word audio or video product here to suit them.
You can even download their audio products in MP3 format, so you can take them around with you on your smartphone or tablet.
This is a pretty decent bolt-on affiliate program for an affiliate website in the meditation niche.
Another reason for saying it’s best viewed as one of those bolt-on affiliate programs is because you only make around $2.60 in affiliate commission per average sale.
Their products are attractive to a large audience, but when they cost $5 – $12 you’ll struggle to make a lot of money with this affiliate program alone.
So be prepared to promote other programs alongside this one.
URL: BetterListen affiliate program
Commission: 15%
EPC: $12.33
Jonathan Parker is a spiritual counselor who has spent the last 40 years of his life helping people deal with their personal issues.
Hundreds of thousands of them, according to his website.
And he does all of this using what he calls “non-conventional solutions” which involves changing thought patterns to stop you from repeating the same mistakes that cause you pain.
His book, “The Soul Solution”, is dedicated to the idea of using self-guided meditation to transform your life.
And to be fair, he’s received testimonials from some of the biggest names in the self-improvement industry.
But his store also sells a number of online courses ideal for anyone on the journey to self-enlightenment.
These cover everything from clearing your karma to self-hypnosis – making them ideal for an audience interested in meditation.
And the perk here for affiliates is that his courses aren’t exactly cheap – some of them retail for almost $500.
The average order value though for this program is a more realistic $98.
But with a 20% commission rate that still means you can earn around $19 per sale in affiliate commission on average sales.
That’s about as good things get in the meditation niche.
URL: Jonathan Parker affiliate program
Commission: 20%
EPC: $21.47
And now we’re going to embark on an Authority Hacker tangent in our coverage of meditation affiliate programs.
Because we want you to make the most money from your efforts as an affiliate.
Which typically means promoting a variety of relevant products to the same audience.
And people who meditate just love the types of essential oils sold by Plant Therapy.
So this program fits neatly within this niche.
There’s a huge difference between pure essential oils and generic essential oils.
Basically, the cheaper products you’ll find online have been diluted with harsh chemicals.
Plant Therapy, on the other hand, only supply 100% pure USDA-certified organic essential oils.
Your visitors will find a full range of oils and blends, including all their favorites from Rose Absolute to Black Pepper.
Affiliates get paid 7.5% commission on every sale they make.
A basic 10lm bottle of essential oil costs around $10, so you’d make 75c in commission per sale.
Based on that an inexperienced affiliate might ignore this program.
But they’d be missing a trick here because meditation practitioners who use essential oils tend to buy them in bulk.
As they do with most meditation supplies.
URL: Plant Therapy affiliate program
Commission: 7.5%
Cookie duration: 7 days
There’s an argument to be made that yoga could be regarded as a form of meditation.
But we’re not here to make that argument.
Instead, we want to share Yoga Outlet with you – a company that provides for your more physical meditation supplies.
Because it can be difficult to meditate if you’re uncomfortable or if your meditation space isn’t set up properly.
Set up in 2012, they obviously do specialize in yoga supplies, clothing, mats, etc.
But they also sell a pretty complete range of meditation essentials, including cushions, smudge sticks, incense, Malas (prayer beads), singing bowls, prayer flags, and altar accessories.
And no, the bowls don’t actually sing – they’re used to create harmonic frequencies that can trigger different states of consciousness.
Your visitors also get a low price guarantee on high-quality products, free shipping on orders over US$75 in value and can return any item they’re not happy with.
You’ll earn 7% in affiliate commission for each sale you refer to this meditation affiliate program.
People who practice meditation tend to want to have nice stuff in their meditation space to show off to their friends.
Basically, the average person is going to spend several hundred dollars on cushions, Malas, incense, etc.
You just need to position yourself in front of those purchases – via your text links and banners – to sweep up available sales.
URL: Yoga Outlet affiliate program
Commission: 7%
Meditation and the idea of “finding yourself” have become incredibly popular in Western countries over the last decade or two.
You can attract strange looks for not meditating or doing yoga at least a few times a week.
Bean Products has been around for a lot longer than the current trend, opening for business way back in 1987.
Several years before the Internet was even a thing.
They manufacture and sell a range of environmentally friendly health and wellness products.
Each item is made either from organic or recycled materials, including cotton, hemp, soda bottles, flaxseed, and kapok.
Their meditation category includes cushions, mats, bolsters, and even meditation benches.
So there’s something here for most practitioners of the contemplative arts.
So, getting down to dollars and cents – do they offer high commissions on product sales?
Well, they do offer a 10% commission rate, and with an average order value of $114, you stand to make around $11 per transaction.
They do have a somewhat limited range of products though, so you’ll really need to pre-sell the “organic” and “recycled materials” angle.
Bean Products also has the highest EPC of any of the meditation affiliate programs listed here.
URL: Bean Products affiliate program
Commission: 10%
EPC: $52.16
Remember when we promised we had a second candle affiliate program to share with you?
Well here it is – Brooklyn Candle Studio.
These candles are that little bit different because they’re hand-poured from soy wax and use essential oils for their scents.
Basically, they’re for the meditation practitioner who loves using candles but wants something more organic.
Something that’s ethically produced.
And they’re willing to pay handsomely to get into their Buddha “groove”.
Which, most of the time, they absolutely are.
A typical candle costs $24, so that’s roughly the same amount as a Yankee Candle…but with far more social clout.
They also sell ‘Discovery Kits’ which is a selection of small candles to see which ones your visitors might most like.
You’ll need to sign up for the Refersion Marketplace to get your hands on affiliate links for this offer.
And once you’re approved for that affiliate network you can start earning 10% on all sales.
This is a relatively new program, so there’s some benefit to be had in being an early adopter here in terms of how you make money online.
URL: Brooklyn Candle Studio affiliate program
EPC: $42.08
Yoga Download has already been featured in Authority Hacker in our roundup of the best Yoga affiliate programs.
But we felt they deserved a mention here too.
Our reasoning behind that is because this company is about more than Yoga training and classes.
They also offer a 14-day meditation program that is suitable for both experienced and new practitioners and is very reasonably priced.
But your visitors can also attend any of several dozen meditation classes streamed to the comfort of their home.
And the neat thing is these meditation classes cover everything from relaxation and grounding yourself, to self-healing and manifesting what you want in your life.
You can even filter classes by the style, teacher, intensity, or duration of the meditation sessions itself.
They’re also extremely affordable and mean you never have to miss a yoga class no matter where you are in the world.
This meditation affiliate program pays 12% commission on all sales referred through an affiliate link.
Based on their average order value you can expect to earn around $12 per affiliate transaction.
This program has a 3% conversion rate, which although not huge is still above the affiliate industry average.
URL: Yoga Download affiliate program
Commission: 12%
EPC: $23.40
Cookie duration: 90 days
We thought this one might be of interest to people who want to start their own meditation “business”.
Each of the meditation programs we’ve covered so far focuses on the practice of meditation.
But what if your visitors want to go beyond that and be trained to teach people how to meditate?
Sura Flow is one of the most widely recognized providers of meditation training in the world.
This isn’t just some random online training course either – they only accept students every 4 – 6 months.
And each of their training courses costs several thousand dollars and takes several months to complete.
So they take what they do very seriously.
The good news for you affiliate marketers is that they pay 14% commission on every sale referred through text links or banners on your website.
Which could equal substantial payouts for you.
URL: Sura Flow affiliate program
Commission: 14%
Cookie duration: TBC
Let’s take a few seconds to pause and answer some questions now that we’ve reached the end of our roundup of the best meditation affiliate programs we could find for you.
Firstly, the Headspace affiliate program seemed like an obvious choice to include as part of the meditation niche…but they don’t appear to have an active affiliate program.
Buddha Groove is another popular affiliate program but it didn’t meet our EPC requirements.
It looks great on the surface but their sales metrics fell short when compared to other meditation affiliate programs.
And the funny thing is that we know none of our competitors spotted this with Buddha Groove because they’re all too busy plagiarizing the shit out of each other.
Promote Buddha Groove if you want to, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Which is our way of saying you probably won’t make money online promoting their offers.
Because when you’re running an affiliate business that’s where your focus needs to be – return on investment.
If you’re going to invest time and money building an affiliate website you’ll need it to pay off.
Which is why we’re here – to stop you from making expensive and time-consuming mistakes.
We even offer a 2-hour, 100% free web class on the basics of getting your first affiliate marketing website up and running.
There’s nothing to buy and lots to learn.
We’ve even had people say our free class is better than some paid courses they’ve bought.
Anyways, if you’d like to reserve a seat, just tell us which email address you want us to send your invite to.
Cya there!
And if you like what you just read, don’t forget to share it on social media.
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