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Over 30 million people in the United States have diabetes.
Another 88 million people have pre-diabetes.
That’s 34% of the entire adult population.
Other countries are also facing a Type 2 diabetes epidemic.
All of the above means one thing – people will be online looking for information on diabetes.
And how to treat it.
So it’s a case of placing yourself in front of that traffic and figuring out how to monetize it.
With a selection of profitable diabetes affiliate programs, of course!
Just like the ones featured in this roundup.
Dr. Leonard’s has been a leading mail order supplier of health and personal care products for several decades now.
Since 1980, to be precise.
The benefits for your readers are obvious – lower prices because there’s no middleman.
While also being able to shop for their personal healthcare needs from the comfort of their home.
In terms of helping diabetics live with their health issue, Dr. Leonard’s stocks a number of products to help with that.
These include socks, shoes, CBD supplements, neuropathic treatments, and even a pain relief cream.
So there’s enough there for most affiliates to work with in terms of finding products to promote.
So what has the first of our diabetes affiliate programs got to offer you?
You get an 8% commission rate on all sales.
Which will probably be from other incidental (non-diabetes focused) sales due to the nature of the site.
URL: Dr. Leonard’s affiliate program
Commission: 8%
Cookie duration: 60 days
No round-up of health-related affiliate programs would be complete without mentioning at least one product from ClickBank.
The first of these is Diabetes Freedom.
It’s a digital product aimed to help those with Type 2 diabetes, treating it over a two-month span.
Basically, it’s about following a specific diet and exercise plan.
The end goal is to flush the fatty gunk from your system and get your blood sugar levels back under control.
The theory being that doing that will then help reduce your reliance on insulin and other medications.
And all by simply following a nutrition plan – there’s no alternative medications involved.
Which means the risk involved for your readers to use this program is also minimal.
Although you should always advise your audience to seek the advice of a trained medical professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.
ClickBank products tend to stand out from other diabetes affiliate programs because of their generous payout.
Like being able to earn up to $50 per customer referred through your affiliate links.
Although there doesn’t appear to be any opportunity to earn recurring commissions.
So this is a once-off deal.
URL: Diabetes Freedom affiliate program
Commission: 90%
Gravity: 292.27
In an ideal world, diabetes simply would not exist.
But because we don’t live in that world the next best thing a diabetic can hope for is to be able to get all their needs met under one roof.
That’s where Diabetic Warehouse will come in handy.
Now, this site is basically an e-commerce business selling to an in-demand market.
With that being said, they are a central source for diabetes supplies including everything from glucose test strips, lancets and glucose meters to insulin pumps.
Pretty much all of their diabetic supplies are 10% – 50% cheaper than retail prices.
And that includes the products you buy on a regular basis like OneTouch Ultra and Accu Chek lancets.
Plus, your readers get free shipping on orders.
So how much can an affiliate marketer expect to earn with this offer compared to the other affiliate programs?
A Diabetic Warehouse affiliate will work with a $75 average order size, which should result in roughly $7.50 commission for one sale.
URL: Diabetic Warehouse affiliate program
Commission: 10%
Cookie duration: 30 days
The “Diabetes Solution Kit” is one of a number of digital guides published by Barton Publishing.
Back in the day, I used to make decent money promoting their guide to curing acid reflux.
Then they seemed to disappear from the affiliate scene but they’re back again.
Again, this product focuses on using nutrition and diet to help lower the blood sugar levels of Type 2 diabetics.
So there are no pills or powders involved.
Barton Publishing is also actually doing something different here – they offer a print copy of this “book”.
That makes their reports feel that bit more “exclusive” than being asked to download yet another PDF.
How good is this product?
Apparently, over 300,000 other customers have used it to help balance their blood sugar levels.
Several of the diabetes affiliate programs we found have a presence on ShareASale.
And Barton Publishing is another to add to the list.
Signing up gives you access to promote the full range of products from this health brand but without having to apply to a multitude of affiliate programs.
Each of which can pay you up to $80 for all sales referred through text links or affiliate banners.
URL: Barton Publishing affiliate program
Commission: 75%
EPC: $41.00
Cookie duration: 1 day
An often overlooked aspect of living with a health issue is that adaptive clothing is part of the deal too.
Diabetes is no different in that regard.
Swollen feet, ankles and calves require specialized shoes and socks to provide comfort and relief.
Silverts has been the go-to source for people in this market since 1930.
So if you readers are looking for a range of footwear products for diabetics, it’s a pretty safe bet that Silverts will be able to help them out.
And at prices they can afford with the benefit of great customer service.
So how does this offer compare to the other diabetes affiliate programs in this roundup?
You can earn a 10% commission rate on everything sold through your affiliate text links or banners.
They offer a lifetime cookie and support from their – and this is just so quaint – website department if you get stuck.
URL: Silverts affiliate program
Cookie duration: Lifetime
Ben’s Health is the brainchild of Ben Ong, founding the business back in 2000.
And all because he was facing a health crisis that traditional medicine didn’t appear to have an answer for.
Today, his company sells a range of natural treatments for common health issues, including diabetes.
But there’s a difference – this company has actual doctors behind their products.
So that sets them apart from the competition.
Their ‘Glyco-Optimizer’ product allegedly helps reverse Type 2 diabetes, gets your blood sugar levels under control, aids in weight loss and even alleviates the worst symptoms of diabetes.
All using nothing more than naturally occurring ingredients.
In terms of earning money, they claim to have an average order value of $115 and a 20% conversion rate.
This should put around $13 in your pocket for each sale made through your affiliate links.
And there should be quite a few of those based on their claimed CR.
URL: Ben’s Health affiliate program
EPC: $224.85
The health supplement market is a minefield for consumers and affiliates alike.
Simply because there are unscrupulous companies out there willing to make outrageous claims.
Usually without a shred of evidence to back up those same claims.
DiaMetrix, on the other hand, is a product that has undergone a number of clinical studies.
These studies proved that it helped dramatically reduce fasting blood sugar levels, lowered blood pressure and even resulted in weight loss.
So, while this isn’t a guarantee that it will work, it’s a whole lot better than the products being put out by a marketing guru who just wants to jump on the dietary supplements bandwagon.
DiaMetrix has one single purpose – to increase a diabetic body’s resistance to insulin.
It’s just a shame they don’t invest more in their marketing efforts.
Their website looks like it was designed in 1998.
But design critique aside, what can you expect from their affiliate program?
You get a generous 15% commission rate for a product that retails for $59.95 for a 1-month supply.
So that should result in a commission payout of $8.99 per sale.
Or $26.97 for a 3-month order.
URL: DiaMetrix affiliate program
Commission: 15%
For 80% of people having a dry mouth is an inconvenience.
It can be caused by not drinking enough water, smoking, or maybe overindulging in alcohol the night before.
But for the other 20% of the population dry mouth is something most often associated with diabetes.
One that can cause chronic tooth decay, and a further increase in blood-sugar levels due to infection from oral hygiene issues.
‘XyliMelts’ from OraCoat are basically little discs you stick to the roof of your mouth which release ingredients to stop it from drying out.
They come in a number of tasty flavours and can even be used while you sleep.
So you get 24/7 protection from dry mouth and improved overall oral hygiene.
The OraCoat affiliate program was previously managed by ShareASale but they appear to have moved it in-house now.
With that said, Universal Herb Inc. sells their products, so you could join their affiliate program on ShareASale instead.
But besides all of that, you get 25% commission rate on all sales referred through your text links, but also 5% on sales made by a sub-affiliate.
URL: OraCoat affiliate program
Commission: 25%
Cookie duration: 90 days
Up to this point we’ve seen all kinds of different products related to Type 2 diabetes, including a number of eating plans and dietary supplements.
But now it’s time for something completely different – the Deep Sleep Diabetes Remedy.
Can getting more sleep actually help with diabetes?
The truth is that if you deprive humans of sleep for long enough they die – our bodies repair themselves while we’re asleep.
Sleep deprived people are also likely to have an insulin deficiency, making your diabetes worse.
So it stands to reason that getting more sleep is hugely beneficial for any diabetic.
And how exactly does this particular digital product help you get a better night’s sleep?
By formulating a Thai herbal tea that helps you doze off and then stay asleep.
Yup, pretty much the entire program is about how to brew and use a special type of tea.
This is the second of the diabetes affiliate programs to come from ClickBank, so you know what to expect.
And by that we mean you’ll be able to earn a 75% commission rate, or $59 per sale with this affiliate program.
But again, it’s a flat-rate payout – there are no up-sells for you to earn recurring income from.
URL: Deep Sleep Diabetes Remedy affiliate program
Gravity: 51.47
Total Diabetes Supply is the last diabetes affiliate program in this roundup.
And we might just have saved the best for last.
Finding a company you can trust to provide you with diabetes test strips, glucose meters, insulin pump supplies, lancets, etc. can be a chore.
It’s even more difficult to find a company that also stocks wound care products for people with diabetes.
But what about a company that not only caters for Type 2 diabetes in people but also has roughly the same selection of brand name products for dogs or cats suffering from diabetes?
Not only that, but offers these same quality products at a significant discount over traditional retail prices.
And, yes, that includes OneTouch Ultra and Accu Chek lancets, for example.
That’s what you get with Total Diabetes Supply – all your discount diabetes supplies under one roof.
And they even run occasional special offers.
This diabetes affiliate program pays a 6% commission rate on all referred sales.
Total Diabetes Supply claims an average order value of $70, which should result in at least $4 commission per sale.
But you’ll obviously earn more if your referral places a larger order with them.
URL: Total Diabetes Supply affiliate program
Commission: 6%
Cookie duration: TBC
It surprised me to find just how much variety there was to be found with all of the different diabetes affiliate programs out there.
Or even that there might be sub-niches that I wouldn’t have thought of before e.g. cat diabetes.
Commission rates do vary quite a bit, so keep an eye on that.
The sad truth is that diabetes is a growth market.
So there’s money to be made here, just so long as you can operate successfully in this YMYL niche.
Not sure what a niche is or how affiliate programs work?
Don’t worry – we all had to start somewhere.
And probably the best place for you to do that is with our free 2-hour web class.
You’ll learn the basics of what it takes to get a niche site online.
Without having to pay a single cent for that information.
The path to passive income is open to you.
You just need to take that first step on that journey.
Oh and make sure to share this article on social media if you found it useful.
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